Not available because the BookMark window is not the front window. Choose this to Edit a bookmark. Choose this to open a bookmark file and display it in a normal directory window. Allows you to delete a single bookmark or all the bookmarks. Not available now because the Bookmarks window is not the front most window. Choose this to delete a single bookmark or all the bookmarks. Allows you to save a bookmark for your current location. Not available because there is no frontmost list window. Choose this to save a bookmark for your current location. Opens the Bookmarks window and brings it to the front. Gopher menu Use this menu to access various Gopher related functions. Quits the TurboGopher application. Prints the contents of the frontmost document window. Not available at this time because there is no active document window. Prints the contents of the frontmost document window Not available because there is no active window or it is not printable Displays a dialog box in which you can select paper size, orientation, and other printing options Saves the selected item or list as a Gopher Bookmark file. Not available because there is no front-most list window. Saves the selected item or list as a Gopher Bookmark file. Saves the contents of frontmost document window as a text file. Not available because there is no front document window. Saves the contents of the active window as a text file Closes the active window. Not available at this time because there is no active window. Closes the active window. Connects to a gopher server directly if you know its full domain name and port number. Connects to your Home Gopher server.